Mixed Choir
Work with Love
SATB div
English text by Kahlil Gibran, excerpts from On work (The Prophet, 1923)
Durata ca 8 min
Published by Gehrmans , GE 14779
Commissioned by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir
First performance September 22, 2024 at Goldens Days Festival in Copenhagen by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Mogens Dahl, conductor
Light, oh Light
Mixed choir, baritone and organ
English text by Rabindranath Tagore
Durata ca 22 min
1.Where is the Light?
2. The World-filling Light
Published be Gehrmans, GE 14657
Commissioned by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir
First performance in Holmens Church, Copenhagen, by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Jakob Lorentzen, organ and Mogens Dahl, conductor, for the opening of the Copenhagen Light Festival, February 2, 2024
Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers
Double choir a cappella
English and Latin text
Durata ca 13 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14470
Commissioned by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir
First performance in the Mogens Dahl Concert Hall, Copenhagen, by The King's Singers and Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Mogens Dahl, conductor, March 29, 2023
Recorded by Danish Radio
Missa sine nomine
SAB, flute, trumpet, violin, cello and organ
Latin, Swedish, English and German text
Durata 13 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14434 (choir/organ), GE 14435 (parts)
Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Agnus Dei
Ps 65: Vers toi, Seigneur, vont nos louanges
SAB and organ
French text
Durata 6,5 min
Published by Editions Delatour France DLT1611
Commisioned by Uepal - Union des Églises protestantes d'Alsace et de Lorraine
First performance in St Thomas, Strasbourg, France , September 10, 2023
Tre nordiska koraler
SAB, organ/piano and brass ad lib
Swedish, Norwegian and Faroese text
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14114 (score), GE 14115 (instrumental parts)
1. Nu höjs vår sång GE 14116, durata ca 4,5 min
2. Utan dig GE 14117, durata ca 3,15 min
3. Var är den vän GE 14118, durata ca 4 min
Commissioned by Sveriges Kyrkosångsförbund
First performance in Hoyvik Church, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, May 1, 2022
Ave maris stella
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin text
Durata 8,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14179
Commissioned by Coro Misto and Søren Birch, Denmark
First performance in Vor Frue Kirke in Aalborg, Denmark, October 14, 2021
Gläns över sjö och strand
SATB, harp and organ
Swedish text
Durata 7 min
Commissioned by Robert Bennesh and Lunds Pastorat
First performance in Lund Cathedral, January 8, 2021
Denna dagen, ett liv
En betraktelse över levnadsdagen i tre satser
Sats I: Nattens skuggor svinner (Psalm 121, Swedish text)
Sats II: Sing a New Song! (Psalm 117:1 and Psalm 33:3, English text)
Sats III: Bliv kvar hos mig (Abide with me, Swedish taxt)
S solo, mixed choir, treble voices , congregation ad lib and orchestra/organ
Durata 30 min
Published by Gehrmans
Version with orchestra (strings, fl, ob, horn, organ and timp) Score GE 13953
Parts for rental
Version with organ and timp ad lib GE 13952
Timpani part GE 13960
2nd movement Sing a New Song! Separate edition for treble voices and organ (piano)
GE 13954
Commissioned by Kyrkosångsförbundet i Lunds stift
First performance in Lund Cathedral:
Version with organ and timpani, November 15 2020, by Laurentii Chamber Choir conducted by Robert Bennesh
Version with orchestra, November 14 2021, by choirs from the diocese of Lund conducted by Stefan Ekblad
Read - Analys av Denna dagen, ett liv
Giv mig ett levande hopp
En himmelsfärdspsalm
SATB a cappella
Swedish text by Tore Sjöblom
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13880
Commissioned by Hallands Kyrkosångsförbund
First performance in St Nikolai Church, Halmstad, May 21, 2023, by national festival for church choirs conducted by Jonas Östlund
O Sing Unto the Lord a New Song
Psalm 96
SATB div Choir and Organ
English text
Durata 7,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13482
Dedicated to Gunno Palmquist and Johannes Landgren
First performance in Langholt´s Church, Iceland, June 26 2017 by Varberg´s Chamber Choir conducted by Gunno Plamquist and Johannes Landgren, organ
Nunc dimittis
Canticle of Simeon
Solo, SAB and organ
Swedish and Latin text, Luke 2:29-32
Durata 5,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13435
Dedicated to Skummeslöv´s Church Choir and Gustav Natt och Dag
First performance in connection with the 900 year celebration of Skummeslöv´s Church by the choir and conductor above, Mary Chard Petersson, organ
Nunc dimittis
As above
English and Latin text
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13400
Led, milda ljus
(Lead, kindly Light)
In memory of Sven Wessman
SATB and Organ/Piano
Swedish text by D Assarson, T Fogelqvist
Durata 4 min
Published by Wessmans, nr 201722
First performance in Älmhult´s Church on October 15 2017 by Vokalensemblen conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson and Mary Chard Petersson, organ
Lead, Kindly Light
As above
English text by John Henry Newman
Published by Wessmans, nr 201725
An Anonymous Nun´s Prayer
- Wisdom from the 17th Century
Mixed choir a cappella
English anonymous text
Durata 8 minutes
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13030
Dedicated to Mogens Dahl and The Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir
First performance in Christian´s Church, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 6 2016, by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir conducted by Mogens Dahl
Jubilate Deo
SATB and organ
Latin text from Psalm 100
Durata ca 3 min
Dedicated to Ladislav Moravetz
First performance February 22 2015 in Bystrice pod Hostynen, Czech Republic, conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson
Published by Gehrmans GE 12724
The Lord is my Shepherd
SAB and organ
English text, Psalm 23
Durata 3,5 min
Dedicated to The St Christopher Singers at Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, BC, Canada
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12519
Herren är min herde
(The Lord is my shepherd)
SAB and organ
Swedish text, Psalm 23
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12518
First performance September 13 2014 in Fässberg Church, Gothenburg, Sweden, conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson
(Evening Prayer)
SATB a cappella
Swedish text by Karin Boye
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12475
First performance in St Mary´s Church, Sigtuna, Sweden, January 8 2014, conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Två inskriptioner/Two Inscriptions
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin texts
1. O crux ave, spes unica - motto inscribed on the cross on the author August Strindberg´s grave, the words originate from a Latin hymn from the 6th century
Durata 1,5 min.
2. Memento me cum veneris in regnum tuum - oldest known inscription in Sweden, from the 11th century, on a fragment of a grave stone found under the floor in the Linköping Cathedral Durata 2 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12377
First performance in Linköping Cathedral on June 15 2013 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör (Chamber Choir of the Linköping Cathedral) conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Recorded on CD "Vidi aquam" with Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
SATB divisi a cappella
Latin text from the Liturgy
Durata 3
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12284
Cry out
Mixed choir and organ
English text from Isaiah 12:3-6
Durata 6 min
Published by Gehrmans 2012, GE 12138
Commissioned by the Swedish Church Music Organizations
First performance at the Nordic Church Music Symposium in Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 9 2012 by Olaus Petri Vocalis and Mattias Wager,organ, Mats Bertilsson, conductor
Recorded on CD "Cry Out" with Olaus Petri Vocalis conducted by Mats Bertilsson,
Mattias Wager, organ
Den stora gåtan
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish texts by the Nobel Prize Winner Tomas Tranströmer
Durata 9 min
2. Fasader
3. November
4. Snö faller
5. Namnteckningar
Published by Notfabriken Music Publishing AB 2012 in the collection Tomas Tranströmer Tonsatta dikter
First performance at Mogens Dahl Koncertsal, Copenhagen, Denmark, February 19 2013 by Mogens Dahl Kammerkor, conductor Mogens Dahl
Fader vår
(The Lord´s Prayer)
after N Rimskij-Korsakov
SAB/SATB a cappella
Swedish text
Durata 1,5 min
Published by Wessmans, 20114
Vänligt över jorden glänser
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 34:1 and 6
Durata 3 min
Published be Gehrmans, GE 11899
First performance in Växjö Cathedral October 14 2011 conducted by Cecilia Rydinger Ahlin
Gud är min räddning
(God is my Saviour)
SATB a cappella
Swedish text from Isaiah 12:2,
Durata 2,5 min
Arrangement based upon the version for male choir (Wessmans 200539)
Published by Wessmans, 201054
Mixed choir, trumpet and organ
Latin, 1 Corinthians 15:4 Jesus Christus resurrexit tertia die secundum scripturas. Alleluia.
(Jesus Christ rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. Alleluia.)
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans 2010, GE 11629
First performance in Snöstorp Church, Halmstad, Sweden, April 4 2010 with Capella Snöstorp conducted by Göran Persson
Two mixed choirs and organ
Swedish text from Matt 21:9
Durata 2 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 11725
First performance in Växjö Cathedral at TV-broadcasted service November 29 2009, choirs from the cathedral conducted by Thomas Niklasson
Related version for SATB and organ in 1997, CG 7490
Mixed choir and organ
Swedish texts from Rev 3, Psalm 24, Sak 9, Matt 21 and Swedish Hymn Book No 104
Durata 9 min
Published by Gehrmans 2009, GE 11407
First performance in Snöstorp Church, Halmstad, Sweden, November 29 2009 with Capella Snöstorp conducted by Göran Persson
Dominus regit me
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin text, Psalm 23
Durata 6,5 min
Published by Gehrmans 2007, GE 11060
First performance in Linköping Cathedral June 2 2007 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör, conductor Jörgen Ralphsson
Recorded on CD "Romanska bågar" LCCC-CD04 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör (Chamber Choir of the Linköping Cathedral) conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Cantate Domino
SSAATTBB a cappella
Latin text, Psalm 96:1-2
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans 2007, GE 10979
First performance in Ottarp Church, Sweden, March 4 2012 with Lunds Vokalensemble conducted by Ingemar Månsson
Romanska bågar
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish text by Nobel Prize Winner Tomas Tranströmer
Durata 6 min
Published by Notfabriken Music Publishing AB 2005 in the collection Lyrikkören and also 2012 in the collection Tomas Tranströmer Tonsatta dikter
First performance in Lund Cathedral March 11 2006 by Lunds Vokalensemble, conductor Ingemar Månsson
Recorded on CD "Romanska bågar" LCCC-CD04 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör (Chamber Choir of the Linköping Cathedral) conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Performance with the Norwegian choir Via Vitae: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKx4LU_4maA
The composition is analyzed by Frida Björk - read (in Swedish)
Det kanske var en dag
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish text by Nobel Prize Winner Pär Lagerkvist
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Notfabriken Music Publishing AB 2005 in the collection Lyrikkören
Lovsång till Skaparen
SATB a cappella
Swedish text by Carl von Linné from his Preface to Systema Naturae
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans 2006, GE 10879
First performance in Stenbrohult´s Church, Sweden, July 2 2004 with Stenbrohults kyrkokör conducted by Mary Chard Petersson
Kom, min älskade
Mixed choir a cappella with S & T solo
Swedish, texts from the Bible, Song of Songs
Durata 10 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 10700
First performance in Uppsala Cathedral November 20 2004 by Allmänna Sången conducted by Peter Dijkstra
At 9:13 on Nordic Light Concert with Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir:
(The Blessing)
SAB a cappella
Swedish text
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 10563
In Honorem Sancte Birgitte
Version for mixed choir a cappella
1. Introitus, durata 3,5 min
2. Alleluia (with S solo), durata 4,5 min
Latin texts from Birger Gregersson´s Officium Sancte Birgitte, 1381.
Version for mixed choir comissioned by Sveriges Radio Berwaldhallen, read - preface by prof Stefan Parkman
Published by Gehrmans, GE 11492
First performance at Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, November 10 2004 by the Swedish Radio Choir conducted Stefan Parkman
Original version for SSSSAAAA a cappella, Gehrmans, GE 10550 & GE 10551
Omnia tempus habent
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin texts: Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season" and the first verse from Gaudeamus igitur, an anonymous student song from the 18th century which can be traced back to the 13th century
Durata 10 min
Published by Gehrmans 2003, GE 10458
Commissioned by Sveriges Radio Berwaldhallen for the final round of the Eric Ericson Award 2003, dedicated to Eric Ericson
First performance in Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, October 25 2003 by the Swedish Radio Choir, Peter Dijkstra, conductor, (and also the other three finalists)
The composition is analyzed:
Ingemar Månsson - read
Jan Olof Rudén - read (both in Swedish)
Fader vår
(The Lord´s prayer)
SATB and organ
Swedish text
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 200311
Related version for SA and organ (Wessmans 9229), originates from Vesper for SA and organ (Wessmans 9245)
Vater unser
(The Lord´s Prayer)
SATB and organ
Durata 3 min
Version in German of the Fader vår (see above, Wessmans 200311)
Wessmans, 201225
Vägen, du skall följa den
Recitation, mixed choir and organ
Texts in Swedish by UN General Secretary Dag Hammarskjöld
Durata 13 min
Manuscript by the composer
First performance in St Nikoli Church, Halmstad, Sweden, November 19 2005
Two mixed choirs, SA choir, three organs and congregation ad lib
Swedish text from the Liturgy
Commissioned for the organ inauguration in Växjö Cathedral Maj 5 2002
Manuscript by the composer
Unison choir/SA choir/ S(S)AB choir, optional children´s choir, soloist, organ and congregation
Swedish texts from the Liturgy
Kyrie - Gloria - Halleluja - Sursum corda och Prefationen - Sanctus - Din död förkunnar vi - Agnus Dei - Benedicamus och trefaldigt Amen
Published by Gehrmans, SKG 10283
Commissioned by Sensus and the Church of Sweden
First performance at the second Swedish Church Music Symposium in S:t Johannes Church, Malmö, Sweden on September 22 2002
Som hjorten längtar
Mixed choir and cello, congregation optional
Swedish text, Psalm 42
Durata 14 min
Manuscript by the composer
First performance in Växjö Cathedral October 5 2002 in connection with Träffpunkt
Ave Maria
after Giulio Caccini
SATB and Soprano solo a cappella
Latin text
Durata 6 min
Published by Gehrmans, SKG 10239
Excerpt: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1064008403690884
Min ande jublar över Gud, min frälsare
SATB, organ and congregation
Texts in Swedish from Luke 1:47 and Psalm 145:8-13
Published in the collection Jubel och sång (advent - långfredagen) by Verbum
Döden är uppslukad och segern är vunnen
Unison/mixed choir, organ and congregation
Texts in Swedish from 1 Cor 15:54 and Psalm 118:15-24
Published in the collection Jubel och sång (påsknatten - domssöndagen) by Verbum
Saliga de renhjärtade, de skall se Gud
SAB, organ and congregation
Texts in Swedish from Matt 5:8 and Psalm 126
Published in the collection Jubel och sång (påsknatten - domssöndagen) by Verbum
Libera me
SSAATTBB a cappella
Durata 9 min
Published by Gehrmans 2000, SKG 10119
First performance in Skien Church, Norway, at Nordic-Baltic Choir Festival June 28 2000 with Det Jyske Kammerkor conducted by Mogens Dahl
Recorded on CD "Sacred North" EXLCD30127 by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Mogens Dahl, conductor
Recording by Swedish Radio Choir conducted by Arne Lundmark
Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir: https://open.spotify.com/track/7behGsDGZQOTHf45n37dtI?si=b33f88d079be463a
Hymn till den Evige
(Hymn to the Eternal)
Mixed choir, organ and timpani. Congregation optional, brass optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 3 Helig, helig, helig (Holy, holy, holy)
Durata 13 min
Published by Gehrmans 2000, SKG 10048 ( full score), SKG 10049 (choral score), SKG 10050 (timpani), brass parts available from the composer
Commissioned for the 100 year anniversary of Church Musicians Association of the diocese of Växjö
First performance in Växjö Cathedral October 31 1999, conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson
Read - article about the composition by the composer (in Swedish)
SSAATTBB a cappella
Durata 6 min
Published by Gehrmans, SKG 10051
First performance in Helsingfors Cathedral September 14 2000 with Jubilatekören conducted by Astrid Riska
Recorded on CD "Alleluia" CDK1062 with Coro Misto conducted by Søren Birch
Lige før forår
(Just before spring)
Mixed choir a cappella
Danish words by Benny Andersen
Durata 5 min
Published by Edition Egtved 1999, KB 470 (Edition Wilhelm Hansen)
First Prize in Scandinavian composer competition, first performance in Copenhagen November 20 1999 by Unge Akademikeres Kor, Fleming Windekilde, conductor
Recorded on CD "Lige før forår" PCD 514 with Unge Akademikeres Kor, Fleming Windekilde, conductor
SATB and organ
Swedish text from Matt 21:9
Durata 2 min
Published by Gehrmans, CG 7490
Related version for two choirs and organ in 2009, GE 11725
Fem antifoner
SATB a cappella
Texts in Swedish
1. Hylla Herren, hela världen Psalm 100:1-2
2. Bara hos Gud finner jag ro Psalm 62:2
3. Hör, Herre, när jag ropar Psalm 27:7
4. Halleluja
5. Hos dig är livets källa Psalm 36:10
Published by Wessmans, 9726
First performance in Lund Cathedral 1997
De profundis
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin text, Psalm 130
Durata 5,5 min
Published by Gehrmans 1996, CG 7433
First performance in Växjö Cathedral 1996
Recorded on CD "Alleluia" CDK1062 with Coro Misto conducted by Søren Birch
Vi tror på Gud som skapar världen
SATB, unison (congregation), brass, timpani and organ
Swedish text by Olov Hartman
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans, CG 7426P (score), CG 7426K (choir), CG 7426S (instr parts)
Commissioned by Sensus and the Church of Sweden
First performance in Gothenburg Cathedral September 29 1996 at the Nordic Church Music Symposium
Guds Ande kom från himlen ner
2-part choir with organ and optional congregation
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 160
Published by Wessmans, 9643
Sjung med glädje till Guds ära
SATB/unison choir, organ and congregation optional
Text from Psalmer i 90-talet No 802
Published by Wessmans, 9642
Arrangement of Cantate Domino (G O Pitoni)
SATB a cappella
Text in Latin from Ps 149:1-4
Published by Wessmans, 9634
Av goda makter underbart bevarad
SATB a cappella
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 509
Durata 5 min
Published by Wessmans, 9628
Lovsjung Herren
2 choirs, SATB soli and organ
Texts in Swedish from the Bible
Durata 8 min
Published by Wessmans, 9436
Kom med glädje och med sång
SATB and organ
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 470
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 9251
Sjung, min själ
SATB a cappella
Durata 3,5 min
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 448:4
Published by Wessmans, 9211
Till natt det åter lider
Unison choir/SA(T)B a cappella and optional flute
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 507:1-2, 4-6
Published by Wessmans, 9243
Aftonland (Evening Land)
Mixed choir, mezzosoprano solo and English Horn
Swedish texts by the Nobel Prize Winner Pär Lagerkvist from Aftonland
1. Allt är så underligt fjärran idag
2. Det är om aftonen man bryter upp
3. En gång skall du vara en av dem
4. Den döde
Durata 15 min
Published by Norsk Musikförlag 1990, N.M.O. 10450 A
First performance at Musikaliska Akademien, Stockholm, October 11 1992 by Mikaeli Kammarkör, Kristina Wessman and Jesper Harrysson. Anders Eby, conductor
Recorded on CD "North" EXLCD 30122 with Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Sören Hermansson, French horn
1. Allt är så underligt fjärran idag https://open.spotify.com/track/5jyyCzAfxSyrd9IvQAcGYn?si=40e2bbe53ee64939
2. Det är om aftonen man bryter upp https://open.spotify.com/track/187FHvrtaf7KE87NkBsywx?si=927746990b094be2
3. Engång skall du vara en av dem https://open.spotify.com/track/5LrQdywCXS5YsoQDjfyNx7?si=5f55c208d65444fc
4. Den döde https://open.spotify.com/track/19zPSvMLGxqMoKnW6Idp6C?si=46765428e99643ef
Video from Holmens kirke, Copenhagen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT-do3poHk4
Bli ordets görare
SATB a cappella
Swedish text from Jacob 1:22-25
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 9232
Din död förkunnar vi
Mixed choir/unison choir/ SA with organ
Swedish text from the Liturgy
Durata 2 min
Published by Wessmans, 8925
Du död, var är din udd?
SATB a cappella
Swedish texts, 1 Cor 15:54-55 and Tim 1:10
Durata 2 min
Published by Wessmans 1989, Wessmans 8927
Guds Son en gång i morgonglans
SATB and organ, congregation optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 490
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 9115
Vi går nu upp till Jerusalem
SATB a cappella
Swedish text from Mark 10:33-34
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 8926
Gud, ditt folk är vandringsfolket
SAB and organ, congregation optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 298
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 8716
Gud, för dig är allting klart
SATB and organ, congregation optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 217
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 8804
SAB, congregation and organ
Swedish texts from the Liturgy
Durata 8 min
Kyrie - Laudamus - Sanctus - Agnus Dei
Published by Wessmans, 8703
Light, oh Light
Mixed choir, baritone and organ
English text by Rabindranath Tagore
Durata ca 22 min
1.Where is the Light?
2. The World-filling Light
Published be Gehrmans, GE 14657
Commissioned by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir
First performance in Holmens Church, Copenhagen, by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Jakob Lorentzen, organ and Mogens Dahl, conductor, for the opening of the Copenhagen Light Festival, February 2, 2024
Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers
Double choir a cappella
English and Latin text
Durata ca 13 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14470
Commissioned by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir
First performance in the Mogens Dahl Concert Hall, Copenhagen, by The King's Singers and Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Mogens Dahl, conductor, March 29, 2023
Recorded by Danish Radio
Missa sine nomine
SAB, flute, trumpet, violin, cello and organ
Latin, Swedish, English and German text
Durata 13 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14434 (choir/organ), GE 14435 (parts)
Kyrie - Gloria - Sanctus - Agnus Dei
Ps 65: Vers toi, Seigneur, vont nos louanges
SAB and organ
French text
Durata 6,5 min
Published by Editions Delatour France DLT1611
Commisioned by Uepal - Union des Églises protestantes d'Alsace et de Lorraine
First performance in St Thomas, Strasbourg, France , September 10, 2023
Tre nordiska koraler
SAB, organ/piano and brass ad lib
Swedish, Norwegian and Faroese text
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14114 (score), GE 14115 (instrumental parts)
1. Nu höjs vår sång GE 14116, durata ca 4,5 min
2. Utan dig GE 14117, durata ca 3,15 min
3. Var är den vän GE 14118, durata ca 4 min
Commissioned by Sveriges Kyrkosångsförbund
First performance in Hoyvik Church, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, May 1, 2022
Ave maris stella
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin text
Durata 8,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 14179
Commissioned by Coro Misto and Søren Birch, Denmark
First performance in Vor Frue Kirke in Aalborg, Denmark, October 14, 2021
Gläns över sjö och strand
SATB, harp and organ
Swedish text
Durata 7 min
Commissioned by Robert Bennesh and Lunds Pastorat
First performance in Lund Cathedral, January 8, 2021
Denna dagen, ett liv
En betraktelse över levnadsdagen i tre satser
Sats I: Nattens skuggor svinner (Psalm 121, Swedish text)
Sats II: Sing a New Song! (Psalm 117:1 and Psalm 33:3, English text)
Sats III: Bliv kvar hos mig (Abide with me, Swedish taxt)
S solo, mixed choir, treble voices , congregation ad lib and orchestra/organ
Durata 30 min
Published by Gehrmans
Version with orchestra (strings, fl, ob, horn, organ and timp) Score GE 13953
Parts for rental
Version with organ and timp ad lib GE 13952
Timpani part GE 13960
2nd movement Sing a New Song! Separate edition for treble voices and organ (piano)
GE 13954
Commissioned by Kyrkosångsförbundet i Lunds stift
First performance in Lund Cathedral:
Version with organ and timpani, November 15 2020, by Laurentii Chamber Choir conducted by Robert Bennesh
Version with orchestra, November 14 2021, by choirs from the diocese of Lund conducted by Stefan Ekblad
Read - Analys av Denna dagen, ett liv
Giv mig ett levande hopp
En himmelsfärdspsalm
SATB a cappella
Swedish text by Tore Sjöblom
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13880
Commissioned by Hallands Kyrkosångsförbund
First performance in St Nikolai Church, Halmstad, May 21, 2023, by national festival for church choirs conducted by Jonas Östlund
O Sing Unto the Lord a New Song
Psalm 96
SATB div Choir and Organ
English text
Durata 7,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13482
Dedicated to Gunno Palmquist and Johannes Landgren
First performance in Langholt´s Church, Iceland, June 26 2017 by Varberg´s Chamber Choir conducted by Gunno Plamquist and Johannes Landgren, organ
Nunc dimittis
Canticle of Simeon
Solo, SAB and organ
Swedish and Latin text, Luke 2:29-32
Durata 5,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13435
Dedicated to Skummeslöv´s Church Choir and Gustav Natt och Dag
First performance in connection with the 900 year celebration of Skummeslöv´s Church by the choir and conductor above, Mary Chard Petersson, organ
Nunc dimittis
As above
English and Latin text
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13400
Led, milda ljus
(Lead, kindly Light)
In memory of Sven Wessman
SATB and Organ/Piano
Swedish text by D Assarson, T Fogelqvist
Durata 4 min
Published by Wessmans, nr 201722
First performance in Älmhult´s Church on October 15 2017 by Vokalensemblen conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson and Mary Chard Petersson, organ
Lead, Kindly Light
As above
English text by John Henry Newman
Published by Wessmans, nr 201725
An Anonymous Nun´s Prayer
- Wisdom from the 17th Century
Mixed choir a cappella
English anonymous text
Durata 8 minutes
Published by Gehrmans, GE 13030
Dedicated to Mogens Dahl and The Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir
First performance in Christian´s Church, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 6 2016, by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir conducted by Mogens Dahl
Jubilate Deo
SATB and organ
Latin text from Psalm 100
Durata ca 3 min
Dedicated to Ladislav Moravetz
First performance February 22 2015 in Bystrice pod Hostynen, Czech Republic, conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson
Published by Gehrmans GE 12724
The Lord is my Shepherd
SAB and organ
English text, Psalm 23
Durata 3,5 min
Dedicated to The St Christopher Singers at Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, BC, Canada
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12519
Herren är min herde
(The Lord is my shepherd)
SAB and organ
Swedish text, Psalm 23
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12518
First performance September 13 2014 in Fässberg Church, Gothenburg, Sweden, conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson
(Evening Prayer)
SATB a cappella
Swedish text by Karin Boye
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12475
First performance in St Mary´s Church, Sigtuna, Sweden, January 8 2014, conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Två inskriptioner/Two Inscriptions
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin texts
1. O crux ave, spes unica - motto inscribed on the cross on the author August Strindberg´s grave, the words originate from a Latin hymn from the 6th century
Durata 1,5 min.
2. Memento me cum veneris in regnum tuum - oldest known inscription in Sweden, from the 11th century, on a fragment of a grave stone found under the floor in the Linköping Cathedral Durata 2 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12377
First performance in Linköping Cathedral on June 15 2013 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör (Chamber Choir of the Linköping Cathedral) conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Recorded on CD "Vidi aquam" with Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
SATB divisi a cappella
Latin text from the Liturgy
Durata 3
Published by Gehrmans, GE 12284
Cry out
Mixed choir and organ
English text from Isaiah 12:3-6
Durata 6 min
Published by Gehrmans 2012, GE 12138
Commissioned by the Swedish Church Music Organizations
First performance at the Nordic Church Music Symposium in Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland, September 9 2012 by Olaus Petri Vocalis and Mattias Wager,organ, Mats Bertilsson, conductor
Recorded on CD "Cry Out" with Olaus Petri Vocalis conducted by Mats Bertilsson,
Mattias Wager, organ
Den stora gåtan
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish texts by the Nobel Prize Winner Tomas Tranströmer
Durata 9 min
2. Fasader
3. November
4. Snö faller
5. Namnteckningar
Published by Notfabriken Music Publishing AB 2012 in the collection Tomas Tranströmer Tonsatta dikter
First performance at Mogens Dahl Koncertsal, Copenhagen, Denmark, February 19 2013 by Mogens Dahl Kammerkor, conductor Mogens Dahl
Fader vår
(The Lord´s Prayer)
after N Rimskij-Korsakov
SAB/SATB a cappella
Swedish text
Durata 1,5 min
Published by Wessmans, 20114
Vänligt över jorden glänser
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 34:1 and 6
Durata 3 min
Published be Gehrmans, GE 11899
First performance in Växjö Cathedral October 14 2011 conducted by Cecilia Rydinger Ahlin
Gud är min räddning
(God is my Saviour)
SATB a cappella
Swedish text from Isaiah 12:2,
Durata 2,5 min
Arrangement based upon the version for male choir (Wessmans 200539)
Published by Wessmans, 201054
Mixed choir, trumpet and organ
Latin, 1 Corinthians 15:4 Jesus Christus resurrexit tertia die secundum scripturas. Alleluia.
(Jesus Christ rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. Alleluia.)
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans 2010, GE 11629
First performance in Snöstorp Church, Halmstad, Sweden, April 4 2010 with Capella Snöstorp conducted by Göran Persson
Two mixed choirs and organ
Swedish text from Matt 21:9
Durata 2 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 11725
First performance in Växjö Cathedral at TV-broadcasted service November 29 2009, choirs from the cathedral conducted by Thomas Niklasson
Related version for SATB and organ in 1997, CG 7490
Mixed choir and organ
Swedish texts from Rev 3, Psalm 24, Sak 9, Matt 21 and Swedish Hymn Book No 104
Durata 9 min
Published by Gehrmans 2009, GE 11407
First performance in Snöstorp Church, Halmstad, Sweden, November 29 2009 with Capella Snöstorp conducted by Göran Persson
Dominus regit me
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin text, Psalm 23
Durata 6,5 min
Published by Gehrmans 2007, GE 11060
First performance in Linköping Cathedral June 2 2007 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör, conductor Jörgen Ralphsson
Recorded on CD "Romanska bågar" LCCC-CD04 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör (Chamber Choir of the Linköping Cathedral) conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Cantate Domino
SSAATTBB a cappella
Latin text, Psalm 96:1-2
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans 2007, GE 10979
First performance in Ottarp Church, Sweden, March 4 2012 with Lunds Vokalensemble conducted by Ingemar Månsson
Romanska bågar
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish text by Nobel Prize Winner Tomas Tranströmer
Durata 6 min
Published by Notfabriken Music Publishing AB 2005 in the collection Lyrikkören and also 2012 in the collection Tomas Tranströmer Tonsatta dikter
First performance in Lund Cathedral March 11 2006 by Lunds Vokalensemble, conductor Ingemar Månsson
Recorded on CD "Romanska bågar" LCCC-CD04 by Linköpings Domkyrkas Kammarkör (Chamber Choir of the Linköping Cathedral) conducted by Jörgen Ralphsson
Performance with the Norwegian choir Via Vitae: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKx4LU_4maA
The composition is analyzed by Frida Björk - read (in Swedish)
Det kanske var en dag
Mixed choir a cappella
Swedish text by Nobel Prize Winner Pär Lagerkvist
Durata 3,5 min
Published by Notfabriken Music Publishing AB 2005 in the collection Lyrikkören
Lovsång till Skaparen
SATB a cappella
Swedish text by Carl von Linné from his Preface to Systema Naturae
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans 2006, GE 10879
First performance in Stenbrohult´s Church, Sweden, July 2 2004 with Stenbrohults kyrkokör conducted by Mary Chard Petersson
Kom, min älskade
Mixed choir a cappella with S & T solo
Swedish, texts from the Bible, Song of Songs
Durata 10 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 10700
First performance in Uppsala Cathedral November 20 2004 by Allmänna Sången conducted by Peter Dijkstra
At 9:13 on Nordic Light Concert with Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir:
(The Blessing)
SAB a cappella
Swedish text
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans, GE 10563
In Honorem Sancte Birgitte
Version for mixed choir a cappella
1. Introitus, durata 3,5 min
2. Alleluia (with S solo), durata 4,5 min
Latin texts from Birger Gregersson´s Officium Sancte Birgitte, 1381.
Version for mixed choir comissioned by Sveriges Radio Berwaldhallen, read - preface by prof Stefan Parkman
Published by Gehrmans, GE 11492
First performance at Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, November 10 2004 by the Swedish Radio Choir conducted Stefan Parkman
Original version for SSSSAAAA a cappella, Gehrmans, GE 10550 & GE 10551
Omnia tempus habent
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin texts: Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season" and the first verse from Gaudeamus igitur, an anonymous student song from the 18th century which can be traced back to the 13th century
Durata 10 min
Published by Gehrmans 2003, GE 10458
Commissioned by Sveriges Radio Berwaldhallen for the final round of the Eric Ericson Award 2003, dedicated to Eric Ericson
First performance in Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, October 25 2003 by the Swedish Radio Choir, Peter Dijkstra, conductor, (and also the other three finalists)
The composition is analyzed:
Ingemar Månsson - read
Jan Olof Rudén - read (both in Swedish)
Fader vår
(The Lord´s prayer)
SATB and organ
Swedish text
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 200311
Related version for SA and organ (Wessmans 9229), originates from Vesper for SA and organ (Wessmans 9245)
Vater unser
(The Lord´s Prayer)
SATB and organ
Durata 3 min
Version in German of the Fader vår (see above, Wessmans 200311)
Wessmans, 201225
Vägen, du skall följa den
Recitation, mixed choir and organ
Texts in Swedish by UN General Secretary Dag Hammarskjöld
Durata 13 min
Manuscript by the composer
First performance in St Nikoli Church, Halmstad, Sweden, November 19 2005
Two mixed choirs, SA choir, three organs and congregation ad lib
Swedish text from the Liturgy
Commissioned for the organ inauguration in Växjö Cathedral Maj 5 2002
Manuscript by the composer
Unison choir/SA choir/ S(S)AB choir, optional children´s choir, soloist, organ and congregation
Swedish texts from the Liturgy
Kyrie - Gloria - Halleluja - Sursum corda och Prefationen - Sanctus - Din död förkunnar vi - Agnus Dei - Benedicamus och trefaldigt Amen
Published by Gehrmans, SKG 10283
Commissioned by Sensus and the Church of Sweden
First performance at the second Swedish Church Music Symposium in S:t Johannes Church, Malmö, Sweden on September 22 2002
Som hjorten längtar
Mixed choir and cello, congregation optional
Swedish text, Psalm 42
Durata 14 min
Manuscript by the composer
First performance in Växjö Cathedral October 5 2002 in connection with Träffpunkt
Ave Maria
after Giulio Caccini
SATB and Soprano solo a cappella
Latin text
Durata 6 min
Published by Gehrmans, SKG 10239
Excerpt: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1064008403690884
Min ande jublar över Gud, min frälsare
SATB, organ and congregation
Texts in Swedish from Luke 1:47 and Psalm 145:8-13
Published in the collection Jubel och sång (advent - långfredagen) by Verbum
Döden är uppslukad och segern är vunnen
Unison/mixed choir, organ and congregation
Texts in Swedish from 1 Cor 15:54 and Psalm 118:15-24
Published in the collection Jubel och sång (påsknatten - domssöndagen) by Verbum
Saliga de renhjärtade, de skall se Gud
SAB, organ and congregation
Texts in Swedish from Matt 5:8 and Psalm 126
Published in the collection Jubel och sång (påsknatten - domssöndagen) by Verbum
Libera me
SSAATTBB a cappella
Durata 9 min
Published by Gehrmans 2000, SKG 10119
First performance in Skien Church, Norway, at Nordic-Baltic Choir Festival June 28 2000 with Det Jyske Kammerkor conducted by Mogens Dahl
Recorded on CD "Sacred North" EXLCD30127 by Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Mogens Dahl, conductor
Recording by Swedish Radio Choir conducted by Arne Lundmark
Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir: https://open.spotify.com/track/7behGsDGZQOTHf45n37dtI?si=b33f88d079be463a
Hymn till den Evige
(Hymn to the Eternal)
Mixed choir, organ and timpani. Congregation optional, brass optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 3 Helig, helig, helig (Holy, holy, holy)
Durata 13 min
Published by Gehrmans 2000, SKG 10048 ( full score), SKG 10049 (choral score), SKG 10050 (timpani), brass parts available from the composer
Commissioned for the 100 year anniversary of Church Musicians Association of the diocese of Växjö
First performance in Växjö Cathedral October 31 1999, conducted by Per Gunnar Petersson
Read - article about the composition by the composer (in Swedish)
SSAATTBB a cappella
Durata 6 min
Published by Gehrmans, SKG 10051
First performance in Helsingfors Cathedral September 14 2000 with Jubilatekören conducted by Astrid Riska
Recorded on CD "Alleluia" CDK1062 with Coro Misto conducted by Søren Birch
Lige før forår
(Just before spring)
Mixed choir a cappella
Danish words by Benny Andersen
Durata 5 min
Published by Edition Egtved 1999, KB 470 (Edition Wilhelm Hansen)
First Prize in Scandinavian composer competition, first performance in Copenhagen November 20 1999 by Unge Akademikeres Kor, Fleming Windekilde, conductor
Recorded on CD "Lige før forår" PCD 514 with Unge Akademikeres Kor, Fleming Windekilde, conductor
SATB and organ
Swedish text from Matt 21:9
Durata 2 min
Published by Gehrmans, CG 7490
Related version for two choirs and organ in 2009, GE 11725
Fem antifoner
SATB a cappella
Texts in Swedish
1. Hylla Herren, hela världen Psalm 100:1-2
2. Bara hos Gud finner jag ro Psalm 62:2
3. Hör, Herre, när jag ropar Psalm 27:7
4. Halleluja
5. Hos dig är livets källa Psalm 36:10
Published by Wessmans, 9726
First performance in Lund Cathedral 1997
De profundis
Mixed choir a cappella
Latin text, Psalm 130
Durata 5,5 min
Published by Gehrmans 1996, CG 7433
First performance in Växjö Cathedral 1996
Recorded on CD "Alleluia" CDK1062 with Coro Misto conducted by Søren Birch
Vi tror på Gud som skapar världen
SATB, unison (congregation), brass, timpani and organ
Swedish text by Olov Hartman
Durata 4 min
Published by Gehrmans, CG 7426P (score), CG 7426K (choir), CG 7426S (instr parts)
Commissioned by Sensus and the Church of Sweden
First performance in Gothenburg Cathedral September 29 1996 at the Nordic Church Music Symposium
Guds Ande kom från himlen ner
2-part choir with organ and optional congregation
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 160
Published by Wessmans, 9643
Sjung med glädje till Guds ära
SATB/unison choir, organ and congregation optional
Text from Psalmer i 90-talet No 802
Published by Wessmans, 9642
Arrangement of Cantate Domino (G O Pitoni)
SATB a cappella
Text in Latin from Ps 149:1-4
Published by Wessmans, 9634
Av goda makter underbart bevarad
SATB a cappella
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 509
Durata 5 min
Published by Wessmans, 9628
Lovsjung Herren
2 choirs, SATB soli and organ
Texts in Swedish from the Bible
Durata 8 min
Published by Wessmans, 9436
Kom med glädje och med sång
SATB and organ
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 470
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 9251
Sjung, min själ
SATB a cappella
Durata 3,5 min
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 448:4
Published by Wessmans, 9211
Till natt det åter lider
Unison choir/SA(T)B a cappella and optional flute
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 507:1-2, 4-6
Published by Wessmans, 9243
Aftonland (Evening Land)
Mixed choir, mezzosoprano solo and English Horn
Swedish texts by the Nobel Prize Winner Pär Lagerkvist from Aftonland
1. Allt är så underligt fjärran idag
2. Det är om aftonen man bryter upp
3. En gång skall du vara en av dem
4. Den döde
Durata 15 min
Published by Norsk Musikförlag 1990, N.M.O. 10450 A
First performance at Musikaliska Akademien, Stockholm, October 11 1992 by Mikaeli Kammarkör, Kristina Wessman and Jesper Harrysson. Anders Eby, conductor
Recorded on CD "North" EXLCD 30122 with Mogens Dahl Chamber Choir, Sören Hermansson, French horn
1. Allt är så underligt fjärran idag Listen on Spotify
2. Det är om aftonen man bryter upp https://open.spotify.com/track/187FHvrtaf7KE87NkBsywx?si=927746990b094be2
3. Engång skall du vara en av dem https://open.spotify.com/track/5LrQdywCXS5YsoQDjfyNx7?si=5f55c208d65444fc
4. Den döde https://open.spotify.com/track/19zPSvMLGxqMoKnW6Idp6C?si=46765428e99643ef
Video from Holmens kirke, Copenhagen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT-do3poHk4
Bli ordets görare
SATB a cappella
Swedish text from Jacob 1:22-25
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 9232
Din död förkunnar vi
Mixed choir/unison choir/ SA with organ
Swedish text from the Liturgy
Durata 2 min
Published by Wessmans, 8925
Du död, var är din udd?
SATB a cappella
Swedish texts, 1 Cor 15:54-55 and Tim 1:10
Durata 2 min
Published by Wessmans 1989, Wessmans 8927
Guds Son en gång i morgonglans
SATB and organ, congregation optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 490
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 9115
Vi går nu upp till Jerusalem
SATB a cappella
Swedish text from Mark 10:33-34
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 8926
Gud, ditt folk är vandringsfolket
SAB and organ, congregation optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 298
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 8716
Gud, för dig är allting klart
SATB and organ, congregation optional
Text from the Swedish Hymn Book No 217
Durata 3 min
Published by Wessmans, 8804
SAB, congregation and organ
Swedish texts from the Liturgy
Durata 8 min
Kyrie - Laudamus - Sanctus - Agnus Dei
Published by Wessmans, 8703